Do you look down on those who are less educated, less affluent, less refined, or less successful than yourself? Do you...
Would Jesus Wear a Mask?
We all know our culture needs transformation and is in need of a tremendous reset. So what if we started that work in the same way Jesus started His? Every day is an opportunity for believers in Jesus to demonstrate humility. It shows up in the smallest choices we make and the secret attitudes we harbor.
Don’t Let This Attitude Bring Down Your Empire
ou can spot it in others easily enough. Politicians and sports stars, especially. That smallish...
Forced Choice: Will You Be a Snake or a Worm?
The Lord Jesus cannot live in us fully and reveal Himself through us until the proud self within us is broken. This...
Spiritual Pride is the Worst
he first and worst cause of error that prevails in our day is spiritual pride. This is the main...
You Want to Go Up? Great. Go Down.
“A man’s pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor” (Proverbs 29:23 nasb). What is the desire of...
Unmasking Pride, Choosing Brokenness
od is more committed to making us holy than making us happy. And there is only one pathway to...
When Is the Last Time You Checked?
It was a sad and sordid discovery in an otherwise serene neighborhood park. A mother was found pushing her...
Eight Humiliation-Free Ways to Learn Humility
Know the greatness of your sin and your God. John Owen said, “Two things need to humble us. First, let us consider God...
This Is the ONE Thing
t’s time to put away childish things. Really, it is. And I have to tell you, so far in this...