n a story that captivated the world’s attention in 2010, 33 Chilean miners were trapped 2,300...
Personal Revival
What in the World Is God Doing?
don’t know about you, but I want to be in on what the Lord is doing. I don’t want to be a...
Our Long-Range Hope Has Always Been Jesus
The Bible is preeminently a book about hope. It affirms that almighty God is at work within history to bring forth a...
Don’t Let This Attitude Bring Down Your Empire
ou can spot it in others easily enough. Politicians and sports stars, especially. That smallish...
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Forced Choice: Will You Be a Snake or a Worm?
The Lord Jesus cannot live in us fully and reveal Himself through us until the proud self within us is broken. This...
Eight Humiliation-Free Ways to Learn Humility
Know the greatness of your sin and your God. John Owen said, “Two things need to humble us. First, let us consider God...
Life in the Zone
If you've ever watched the NBA basketball playoffs, you’ve likely been impressed by some superstar player, like...